
This is an OT and ST favorite! Minimal cost and lots of fun skill-building. Any clients struggling with visual issues will benefit from the colorful cards that they have to quickly search through and process. Share your list of favorite games with the team on the...

Looking for a clover can be like looking for a needle in the hay stack. Great for visual discrimination and memory skills. Directions: Cut out clovers of different sizes and then cut out some 4-leafed clovers to mix in. You can vary the colors of green...

File Folders are a great way to keep a wide variety of tasks in a small space. Use a variety of colors and textures such as tin foil, sand paper, and pipe cleaner. Put the task inside, laminate it, and you are ready to go! Directions:...

This tool can be individualized very easily. Clients stay attended due to the sensory input of the string and they enjoy moving the string/yarn. Variatons may include; matching to pictures that relate to each other ( political figures, tree to apple, dog to puppy, sad face...