
This is a wonderful way to get your mouth moving and skills built. Share what other therapy tools you have come up with and share it with your Brilliant Therapy team! Earning points is fun! Download PDF for Mouth Workout!...

If you like this you will also like 'L sound" and you can use these in conjunction with our See & Say eBook to help prepare clients for the task of saying words with different letter sounds. Try having kids write the words for additional skill...

Make an impression! If you like this , you will also like "R sound" and some of our ebooks such as See & Say (we have given you half of the book free).  Together we are better therapists, so tell your friends to get on board...

Every kids wants to be a star, so let them shine while they practice. If you like this, you may like the 100% award certificate. PT & OT: Have kids stand in front of a mirror and do and exercise. Each time they do it correctly they...

2 versions for different skill emphasis are provided. Sometimes this sheet is used by therapists to let kids know how many times they will need to practice an activity in order be done.  Sometimes blue donut shapes are more fun to color than a confusing...