
This simple template can be used in a variety of ways here are some ideas to get you started! -Laminate it and place it on a clip board or inside a folder where kids can check the box when they have completed the tasks written in...

Complete coloring the turkey with a sample below. The sample is easy to cut off or fold out of sight if that is better for the skills being addressed. For short term memory, you can show students and then fold it back under. Count how...

This is definitely a kids favorite! With colorful pictures to add into their sentences, they don't mind writing more. All you need is a pencil, scissors, and a glue stick. Have you created some motivating therapeutic tools? Share them with the Brilliant Therapy team on our facebook...

Encouraging hopes and dreams are important. If a child believes they can do something just think how much farther they will get in therapy. Do you have tools that build skills and motivate? We would love to hear about them on the Brilliant Therapy facebook page....

Have client take a colored marker or highlighter and trace the line down and then draw the lucky symbols. You can adapt this by just having 1 color on each symbol and they then follow the line to the box and put in the corresponding...

Another fun way to work on writing and visual discrimination. Let's face it, if you cannot see where lines are supposed to be, then how can you correct any written errors. Speech: Sentence generation can be done with these pictures to assist. Share your created therapy tools...

We have included 2 additional visual letter finds. They are fun and build skills, such as visual memory, letter recognition, task attention, and visual-motor control. Therapists who used this also liked the I Spy e-book and the Dyslexia e-book found in 'Resources". Download PDF for Circle P&B...

With creative colorful visuals, this Bingo is a cool tool. Two sizes and a printer friendly version is also included for your benefit. We thought you might like an additional blank bingo card so that you could cut out your own pictures and place them...