
This simple apple fold & cut activity assists with understanding how things can change and parts relate to the whole. Check out e-books that build these skills or share your thoughts with your Brilliant Therapy Team! All of us working together can make a difference! Download the...

This simple task is wonderful for cognitive growth as well as helping with fine motor, bilateral integration and visual motor skills. You may like the Fold & Cut Halloween Shapes e-book or the 4 Valentine's Day Fold & Cut Cards. Download the PDF for Fold & Cut...

Colorful, classy, and a fun theme to make writing fun! If you are working on balance, try taping this to a wall and/or stand on one leg while the client completes the task. Kids like to see how accurate they can be when you tape it...

This handout should be provided to all of our home health and SNF clientele. Energy smart strategies less likely to be overlooked when it is put down in writing. If you would like to share your own therapy handouts, go to the Brilliant Therapy Facebook page. Download...