
Obstacle courses should be changed frequently to continue to build skills, use a variety of muscles, and build a variety of neurological pathways. If there is a particular challenge it is fine to keep it again in your next course until better mastery is achieved....

There are many different yoga visual support sheets on your Brilliant Therapy site, so browse around and find what you want. We have included this printer friendly and colored version for you to get started. OPTIONS: As you can tell by the pictures, Yoga and Tai...

This activity can be done with any theme. Whether it is stars, clouds, monkey parts, apples, bunny tails, or birds on a wire, it will be a fun engaging skill builder. SOME BENEFITS INCLUDE: increased visual motor, visual perception, bilateral integration, strengthening, and plyometric moves that...

This was a hit with the kids! We observed great visual tracking and attention, body awareness, strengthening, coordination, and cooperation improve. TIP: It helps to have a darker surface so that way the area that is wet can be seen. Just a small amount of water...

Coordination is important in our daily lives and helps keep us safe. This activity addresses many skills among which are fall safety, visual tracking, coordination, and UE strengthening. Share your unique activities with your BrilliantTherapy Team! OT & ST: This activity is wonderful to help the brain...

Oh the endless world of hearts. Use whatever shape(shamrock, flower,..) you want, but moving the ball across midline while on all fours can be challenging and helpful for motor and cognitive skills. DIRECTIONS: Tape hearts slightly more than shoulder width apart so that as the client...