
Form constancy is an important cognitive skill. To see what is missing and fill it in can help us with writing skills and visual memory. Enjoy this simple effective tool. Download PDF for Color and Complete Fruit...

Yes you can color and cut it out, but you can also; = Use it as a sign on your obstacle course to moves slowly = Decorate it with glitter = Place words around it with the theme of slow moving items. Molasses is thicker than water. You...

If you like these, there are plenty more moves to assist with reflex integration, body awareness, sensory and coordination needs in the e-books obstacle courses. Check them out! Download PDF for ATNR & Landau...

Retained ATNR may result in: - poor writing ability - visual tracking difficulties - crossing midline difficulties - dyslexia - decreased balance and coordination For additional moves, check out our obstacle course e-books. We can help you sell your own creations too and you earn points at the same time! Download PDF...

You can use the exercise move that has your client sitting on a large ball to elevate the level of alertness and make it more fun, by holding something that they want in front of them so that they want to sit up and bring...

Another way you can have a client walk 2 parallel lines, is tho have them place both feet on one line, and then both hands on the other line. Have client move sideways along the lines while keeping both feet and hands traveling along the...

STNR assists with bilateral movements and processing information in both hemispheres of the brain. It assists in the development of the Tonic Labryinthine Reflex (TLR). Retained STNR; - Unable to coordinate crawling on hands and feet - Poor posture - Floppy or low muscle tone - Difficulty maintaining good posture...

Balloons are used in all therapy settings. They can be used for balance, activity tolerance, attention span, visual tracking, and are a nice motivator. When therapy is fun it is more effective. Share what is working for you and receive more points! Download PDF for 7 Balloon...

Have fun turning over cards and traveling around your space based on the directions of the card. These cards target: UE and LE strength and coordination, vestibular, body awareness, emotional expression and backwards motion. If you like these, you will like our obstacle course e-books! If you...