
Turkey's are wonderful for imagination, concentration, and bilateral integration. Cut out colored feathers and paste them on or just draw feathers. The answer key at the back indicates where the feathers can fit around the turkey. This is a different kind of puzzle to foster...

You will be surprised at what a wonderful skill builder this activity is. It is easy to measure progress objectively and works well in obstacle courses. From TBI to Autism clients, they will build skills in visual motor, visual tracking, balance, and attention to task...

This activity can be done with any theme. Whether it is stars, clouds, monkey parts, apples, bunny tails, or birds on a wire, it will be a fun engaging skill builder. SOME BENEFITS INCLUDE: increased visual motor, visual perception, bilateral integration, strengthening, and plyometric moves that...

Form constancy is an important cognitive skill. To see what is missing and fill it in can help us with writing skills and visual memory. Enjoy this simple effective tool. Download PDF for Color and Complete Fruit...

A tip for success with this craft is when gluing the body down, place glue well within the border so that you can tuck in the legs and feathers. It is surprising how wonderful these turkeys turn out! Asymmetrical bilateral skills and visual motor and...

Complete coloring the turkey with a sample below. The sample is easy to cut off or fold out of sight if that is better for the skills being addressed. For short term memory, you can show students and then fold it back under. Count how...