
This is more fun than it looks! Kids do one picture, turn it over, feel the paper bumps, and then ask to do another one. SUPPLIES: A piece of cardboard or cork board to work on, and a push pin. Directions: Place your paper pattern on top...

This is what you want to do with kids that need to learn about tying their shoes. It is the first part of the task, tying a knot and it is wonderful because of the repetition component of this task. SUPPLIES: Ribbon pieces, tongue depressor stick...

Oh the endless world of hearts. Use whatever shape(shamrock, flower,..) you want, but moving the ball across midline while on all fours can be challenging and helpful for motor and cognitive skills. DIRECTIONS: Tape hearts slightly more than shoulder width apart so that as the client...

Complete The Face works on a variety of skills; visual-motor, FM coordination, thought organization, mental discipline, visual-perceptual skills and much more. TIP: If your client is overly anxious about starting the task, direct them with your finger to trace one section of the line that they...