
Pipe cleaner can also be useful in obstacle courses as well as crafts or shoe tying practice. Here they are used as part of an obstacle course designed to address balance and sensory defensiveness. We used pipe cleaners, blue paper, shredded paper (gift paper) and small...

Cutting and stamping vegetables and fruits can be very therapeutic and turning it into art is even better. This is wonderful for clients of all ages. Recommended foods to cut and stamp with are; potatoes, celery, apples, pears, melons, and broccoli....

Believe it or not, this is another favorite! Kids love this and it builds so many skills, such as reflex integration, crossing midline, UE strengthening, visual tracking (need to use water for this one-dry mop will not do), and sensory modulation. We used this poster...

This just makes you smile. Kids get to cut out the fun items and then figure out where they get placed into the picture above. This printer friendly version allows kids to color it and even add a background. If you like this, you will like some...