02 Apr Troubling Traits
Life is ever so complicated especially if you are socially challenged. Here is an activity that helps bring up some social learning. Click hereĀ to download the PDF...
Life is ever so complicated especially if you are socially challenged. Here is an activity that helps bring up some social learning. Click hereĀ to download the PDF...
Social skills are very important to learn and this tool will help that learning occur. Sometimes a task with talking is all it takes. Enjoy and Bon A petit! Click here to download the PDF...
For kids/clients who have a goal to follow a picture chart of FIRST doing one task and THEN the other these can be helpful. Organizing thoughts thru pictures can be very helpful with some populations. There is a printer friendly version included and you can cut...
An advantage of making these peppermint bowls that it keeps kids guessing what other edible things can be made into functional items and helps to diminish the client's set-in-stone mindset allowing future opportunities to expand their comfort zone in olfactory and gustatory areas as well...
Unscrewing caps can be a challenge that is part of everyday life, so make it fun to practice. A wonderful way to build patience, hand strength, and confidence. OPTIONS: Try turning it into a game such as see how many you can screw and unscrew in...
Remember to give clients travel options. From Lyft, Uber, Dial A Ride to the school bus, there are several options. Just google it for your clients area and walk them thru the process....
Lunch boxes are not the only ADL item that people deal with. Try pulling things out of a wallet, purse, make up bag, pencil box, an envelope, golf bag, refrigerator, or dresser drawers. Therapists can sometimes not get to it all, so here is a...
This is a wonderful guide to place near the bathroom sink. It can also be used as a guide for an activity that involves hand washing. We want to keep germs down especially in clinics, schools, and camp settings so this can help encourage thorough...
Many of our elderly clients find this handout useful because of limited energy and ideas to make themselves food. These are easy to prepare and delicious. Keep things easier on the hands by purchasing already shredded cheese or chopped olives in the can. Share your own delicious...
Here are 7 different activities that you can do that can help build the cognitive skills of your clients. These are often overlooked and critical for IADL success. Sometimes you can give them to a caretaker to do as therapy homework and then have them...