
Here is a list of everyday classroom tools. It is so important that we give kids opportunities to search for things in the 3rd dimension. They love this task when they each have their own sheet. Stay quiet and just watch what their eyes do....

Here is a common task that can reveal visual issues. You may want to record the time needed to complete this task especially if you have a TBI client. Download PDF for Word Search: Farm...

Complete coloring the turkey with a sample below. The sample is easy to cut off or fold out of sight if that is better for the skills being addressed. For short term memory, you can show students and then fold it back under. Count how...

Another fun way to work on writing and visual discrimination. Let's face it, if you cannot see where lines are supposed to be, then how can you correct any written errors. Speech: Sentence generation can be done with these pictures to assist. Share your created therapy tools...

For TBI clientele, you may have them point to different elements or duplicate this in a drawing. See if they get all the elements. If you would like to share some of your own creative tools, enter them on the Brilliant Therapy facebook page! Download PDF for...

Kids and TBI clients can check their skills with these. - visual planning - visual motor control - task attention Are some of the skills addressed. A touch of color keeps the interest. Share mazes you have done or any e-books you have created by going to the Brilliant Therapy...