
Oh the endless world of hearts. Use whatever shape(shamrock, flower,..) you want, but moving the ball across midline while on all fours can be challenging and helpful for motor and cognitive skills. DIRECTIONS: Tape hearts slightly more than shoulder width apart so that as the client...

Just wanted you to get a taste of what a page in this book looks like. There are a wide variety of tasks, but here is one to give you a sneak peek at what you might be able to do with your kids with...

This can be helpful for TBI clients that have their visual processing affected. Several different options will allow you to curtail the task for a more specific treatment approach. We are looking for more visual activities, so if you have some you have made to share...

Building your own balance beam can be fun and functional. A great gift to give to a school that does not have one of their own for kids to practice on. Supplies: *Two 2x4's that are 6 feet long or longer *2x4 that is cut up into two...

For additional ideas go on BrilliantTherapy site to OT=grasp development=minimal and look at 'Balls and Body Activities'. -You can also place tape down on butcher paper laying on the floor and have kids roll the ball on the tape line. -You may want to tape a party...

Here are some additional ideas for how balls can be used in therapy sessions. For ball activities focusing on UE use, Go to Brilliant Therapy section under OT=unlimited=grasp development and find 'Balls and Arms Activities'. Additional Ideas: -Throw velcro balls to a target -Place butcher paper across a...

When using a ball with upper extremity and brain skill building we can often forget some opportunities that are out of the norm. Here are some additional ideas that do not often come to mind. -Roll a ball along one extended arm, across your chest and...