
Learning about life involves money. Here is an opportunity to incorporate some education and movement together. You can use money to make a trail and play some music to have clients walk and stop the music to have them stop and see what money they are...

Complete The Face works on a variety of skills; visual-motor, FM coordination, thought organization, mental discipline, visual-perceptual skills and much more. TIP: If your client is overly anxious about starting the task, direct them with your finger to trace one section of the line that they...

Oh My! This is a blast! This treatment tool works on so much: -Writing -Thought organization -UE ROM & Strengthening & Endurance -Attention to task -Visual-Perception -Visual Motor -ADL Checklist And so much more, especially if you have a large mirror where you can trace body parts. Our sensory summer camp kids loved writing...

This is an effective easy to use tool. Some kids need additional support so use a dry erase marker on their desk for schedules, behaviors, and reward points. TBI clients may respond well to ADL items listed on their bathroom mirror. NOTES: You can use Mr. Clean...

Looking for a clover can be like looking for a needle in the hay stack. Great for visual discrimination and memory skills. Directions: Cut out clovers of different sizes and then cut out some 4-leafed clovers to mix in. You can vary the colors of green...