18 Oct OT.PT.ST. Daily Progress Notes
Do not create a form that you do not need to. Save yourself time and energy! Download the PDF for OT.PT.ST. Daily Progress Notes...
Do not create a form that you do not need to. Save yourself time and energy! Download the PDF for OT.PT.ST. Daily Progress Notes...
Saving you time and energy creating another form is our goal. If you have created your own form, share it with your team at Brilliant Therapy and get credit. Download the Occupational Therapy Progress Notes: School...
We have saved you time and energy for therapy. Use this so that you do not have to create your own. Download the PDF for Progress Note...
Clients benefit from handouts and this is one that can supplement any doctor's handout. Providing questions to ask and how to be prepared to make the most of the doctor visit, clients find this to be a helpful tool. Download the PDF for Surgery Preparation...
This routine is proven to work very well with kids. It is the perfect behavioral structure for any obstacle course. Any school therapist can have this posted in their motor lab as a guide for other support staff. Therapists often provide this to parents as a supportive...
This is one of the most useful school and clinic resources. Quick and easy to refer to, it can help keep your treatments focused. We love quick easy to use tools. If you have made one and want to share it with the Brilliant Therapy team...
These are the school reimbursement rates in Arizona. You may have a different rate if in another state, but at least it is a basic guideline for rates. Download the PDF for 2019 School reimbursement rates & codes...
Here is another option for documentation Download the PDF for Quick Records for OT's...
Here is a quick screen for elementary and pre-K kids. Simple enough to do quickly, but long enough to get the information you need. Download the PDF for OT Quick Pre-K Screen...
There are two versions of this. Choose what works for you. Pre-schools have asked for this handout as well as elementary school teachers. You may choose to circle the preferred solutions or write down the number of each one tried in the column on the left. Get...