
A maze with a story is always a great combination. Whether you tell or read the story, having a maze to go with it will definitely bring out an opportunity to work on visual and motor coordination skills. Just start at her neck and work your...

This move is valuable because it is the beginning movement for doing a cartwheel and you have your hips and feet crossing midline. This is a great addition to an obstacle course. You can place your hands on a line or tire or anything that makes...

These are easy to make and full of fun therapy benefits that include; visual-perception, visual motor, memory, executive functioning, and thought organization skills. This is good for clients of all ages and can be specific to their interests. NOTE: Visually attending to details is very important...

This can be easily adapted to work on fine motor coordination or sensory defensiveness and oral musculature. SET UP: We used a piece of packing foam (free from target or TJMaxx ) and poked uncooked spaghetti into it. Then let kids stack as many as they...

Coloring is a wonderful way to warm up a conversation especially in the wintertime. Everyone loves to talk with Olaf so have fun. There are several options provided with the pdf so that you can work on more than just coloring. Maybe body awareness with...

These are definitely worth doing. Upper body strengthening (including digits), coordination, and visual motor skills get a workout and it is so much fun! SUPPLIES: cardboard(we used a discarded box), scissors, and a coin (penny, nickel, or quarter). Colored paper and glue is optional. DIRECTIONS: Using the...