03 Jan Drive The Tire
Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...
Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...
Whimsical and bright, this has imagination and motivation written all over it. A great additional obstacle course tool. Make dots for colored paper or sidewalk chalk and have a blast! Make it more challenging by using different colors (say they have to avoid stepping on the red...
The world can be full of fearful things. This tool can help to bring new understanding and a realization that all of us experience this emotion at some times in our lives. The more we understand, the less we can fear and embrace all of...
Exploration of our feelings is important. Talking about what makes us feel a certain way can help strengthen the mind as well as the body. We all can identify with feeling fearful or nervous. Colorful pictures inspire and help one connect with themselves. If you enjoy...
Feelings are real and they can sometimes get in the way of what we want to do. Here is another iSPY to help us talk, understand, and feel more comfortable with our feelings. You can use this as a prelude to a writing or keyboarding task...
If you have not used any of the other iSPY tools (such as Mad, Fearful,...
This iSPY tool is a wonderful way to encourage executive functioning skills. Talk about why or why you would not give a particular item to someone or why you would give it to them. Discuss what setting it needs to be in or how well...
Reading and writing and arithmetic don't have to be taught to the tune of the hickory stick. This tool can help with reading and writing and if you are really creative you can add all the letters together or vowels and get some math skills...
Whether it is music or art, all our clients deserve for us to try multiple ways to help them achieve better function. Gabby Gifford, a political candidate hopeful from AZ got shot and her speech returned with the use of music. We as therapists must...
Our clients deserve to have a therapist that is willing to think outside the box to motivate and treat them. Each of them is different and can be motivated by different tools, music for one and art for another. Whatever it is, we hope that...