
All you need is a piece of paper (any color) ands whatever supplies you have available. Draw a shape (any shape can work) in the center area of the page. Have client use available elements to decorate. Supply ideas: -crayons & markers -glue & glitter -sequins & spangles -sand -ribbon -pencil for doodling -pictures Adults...

Balloons are used in all therapy settings. They can be used for balance, activity tolerance, attention span, visual tracking, and are a nice motivator. When therapy is fun it is more effective. Share what is working for you and receive more points! Download PDF for 7 Balloon...

Try playing some relaxing music while doing these moves. It will help make these positions more powerful. ST: You can have clients say a sentence while they hold each body position. You can find more moves like these in the 'Tools's section of BrilliantTherapy. Download PDF for Chair...

We hope that the strong colorful border will distract little minds just enough that they do not get intimidated by the volume of dots. Start with the uppercase alphabet and have fun making the octopus. Have you made anything you would like to share? Just go...

This is a fun and easy way to prepare an activity that focuses on pronoun usage. Make it multi sensory by letting kids have a piece of popcorn if they get their sentence said in a time 1 minute frame. >> Download Worksheet for Popcorn Activity...