
AFO's can vary quite a bit, but sometimes what to do with the straps can be a problem. Sometimes it helps to have a picture or show a picture to the client so that they can see, rather than try to remember what it looks...

Crossing midline is important for not just physical benefits but also for the brain. Balancing activities also assist the brain development that affects skills such as reading, math, and activities of daily living (ADL's) such as donning socks. Balancing is also important, so this activity gets...

Both young and elderly clients enjoy making kabobs and they are a wonderful way to build fine motor and ADL skills. OPTIONS: You can place a variety of foods on skewer sticks such as; pineapple, cheese, meat, berries, grapes, apples, marshmallows and more. Young clients can...

An advantage of making these peppermint bowls that it keeps kids guessing what other edible things can be made into functional items and helps to diminish the client's set-in-stone mindset allowing future opportunities to expand their comfort zone in olfactory and gustatory areas as well...

Signs help many clients focus, organize thoughts, or keep things in mind. They can be a great addition to sensory rooms as well as obstacle courses. If you like this, you may like other signs that we have available, such as the one for washing hands. Share your...