
Sometimes a variety of home exercise options are what clients need. This one attempts to cover it all and bright colors help make it fun. Feel free to adapt it with the client so that they understand what parts of the 10 exercises you think...

There are many different yoga visual support sheets on your Brilliant Therapy site, so browse around and find what you want. We have included this printer friendly and colored version for you to get started. OPTIONS: As you can tell by the pictures, Yoga and Tai...

Oh the endless world of hearts. Use whatever shape(shamrock, flower,..) you want, but moving the ball across midline while on all fours can be challenging and helpful for motor and cognitive skills. DIRECTIONS: Tape hearts slightly more than shoulder width apart so that as the client...

This is a fun way to get over being afraid to draw. Exchange anxiety with smiles and laughter.  Completing this type of activity can begin to motivate clients from within and that is when the best therapy happens.  It is okay to make mistakes. Share your...

This can be helpful for TBI clients that have their visual processing affected. Several different options will allow you to curtail the task for a more specific treatment approach. We are looking for more visual activities, so if you have some you have made to share...

This vision exercise deals with tracking, perception, tracking saccades (an essential component for reading), teaming( binocular vision), and auditory memory. Share the tools you create with the Brilliant Therapy team and earn points! Download PDF for Vision: Word Tracker...