
Sometimes bold is better. See how your clients respond to bolder lines on a page. It may be what they need to help the visual cognitive process and may help with visual impaired clients. Let us know what you think can help us help you. Together...

If you are starting your own OT or PT practice in pediatrics, a wedge and bolster will become some of your most used pieces of equipment. Share your pictures and ideas on Brilliant Therapy and earn points! Download PDF for Bolster & Wedge Activities...

They are simple to make and you can create your own based off of the needs of your clients. If you do it ahead of time, you can put glitter glue on the lines and then the lines will be raised and sparkle. This can be...

Dyslexic kids may struggle a bit, but this is a skill builder for them. If you like this, you will definitely like our e-book on Dyslexia. Check it out in the tools section of Brilliant Therapy. We welcome your comments and would love to have you encourage a...