
Whether your client suffered a head injury or struggles to visually scan this can be a helpful tool. Just think, if you cannot do this, you most likely struggle to pay a bill. This is also the type of task that can be sent home...

Sometimes cars are the only way to keep the interest going, so here is a visual motor task that can be completed and then colored. If you like this or need more of these types of tools, just let us know. And remember, the more involved...

Sometimes you can have a basic plan of what the year will look like and then you can modify it as needed. Here is a year sketch of what you might choose to do. Each month is listed printable activities and a game or craft...

This is a simple visual motor task that is harder than it looks. Just match the zebra's to their corresponding shadow. Let us know what you need more of and we will upload it for you. We want to help you be the best therapist you...

Following directions is an important part of life, communication, safety, and relationships. If these are too difficult, try doing the Simple Directions Tasks first to strengthen desired skills. Click here to download the PDF...

Here is a set of wonderful visual-perceptual challenges that can be used for clients having a variety of diagnoses, such as head trauma or dyslexia. Visual memory and discrimination are really addressed so start noodle looking. Click here to download the PDF ...