03 Jan Drive The Tire
Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...
Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...
Whimsical and bright, this has imagination and motivation written all over it. A great additional obstacle course tool. Make dots for colored paper or sidewalk chalk and have a blast! Make it more challenging by using different colors (say they have to avoid stepping on the red...
This is wonderful not just in March! The dots help kids with counting the leaves of each clover and then you can print the next one and they can color each four-leafed clover that they discover. Made just for therapists who know what they are...
For the little dinosaur lovers, this is a must! Depending on what skills you want to address, we have put them here for you. Have fun building skills. IDEAS: Cut around T-Rex, color & paste on background paper, complete him. You can even color him while...
Instead of writing it down each time in your notes, try using this sheet instead to save you time and help you cover all the benefits of your course. Click here to download the PDF...
Have clients cut, paste, and place words in order, or just write them in order in the boxes below. If you like these and need more, just let us know on the BrilliantTherapy facebook page and we will get at it. Together We Are Better! Let's help everyone...
Here is a simple form that you can use to design it to fit your client's specific needs. If memory is the big focus, just fold the paper to hide what you have placed in the bolded boxes and see if they can find them...
I really enjoyed putting these poems together, so if you want more let me know. Brain flexibility is a wonderful component for executive functioning skills so bring on the speech and brain work! Join your team on the BrilliantTherapy facebook page! Click here to download the PDF...
Stories are part of life. Telling and sharing, so here are some simple short stories geared to therapy goals. Enjoy them and if you want more, make them up and share them with your Brilliant Therapy Team! Get credits towards next year's membership fees and more. Click...
Listening is important to success and a skill that has to be learned. For some this is not easy, so here is a tool to help access the world. Great for group discussions and instructional support. Share what you have created and earn points that help you...