21 Jun Missing Number Birds
Have kids write in the missing numbers and trace inside the bubble numbers. Beware, some kid will want to color the birds. Download PDF for Missing Number Birds...
Have kids write in the missing numbers and trace inside the bubble numbers. Beware, some kid will want to color the birds. Download PDF for Missing Number Birds...
Another creative way to use this is to let kids point to a body part and then put their initials in the box if they got it named or pointed to it correctly. If they were incorrect they can write in the word. Let's encourage...
Okay, we got a bit carried away trying to make writing fun and inspirational. Enjoy these 2 pages that hopefully generate some fun thoughts to write down. If you want to get carried away like we did and draw up your own inspiring therapy pages, share...
Cool snowflakes to spruce up writing on adaptive 3 lined paper can make writing fun. Download PDF for Wintertime Writing...
For an easier version, just pull up Sort the 4 Symbols. We are lucky to have the opportunity to work with you and hope that this task will help strengthen; visual motor, visual tracking, fine motor control, reading, writing, speech, life learning, and bring laughter. One way...
Why are these lucky items? Write about them and try drawing them in the little coordinating boxes. Share your creations with us on the Brilliant Therapy facebook page and we can give you credit. Download PDF for Sort 4 Symbols...
If you are using this in a group, remember that you can use the borders to slow the fast kids down by having them place a color on each dot while the other kids finish. Have them start at the top and go down for...
Have fun with putting things in order. First the words and then the colors of the rainbow. Printer friendly versions are included. Recommend a friend and receive additional points! Download PDF for Leprechaun Happiness...
This is presented to improve baseline awareness and letter size. A practice sheet has been included for your convenience. Download PDF for Alphabet Reference...
We have made beginning number writing fun! Each number has the same number of different characters. You can even make them into rainbow numbers by doing each number over again with a different colored crayon or maker. Make sure you start at the start point...