
We put a little splash of color to keep it interesting! Parents also enjoy doing this together with their kids due to the easy to use layout and all they have to do is 1 shape a day. Do you give therapy homework packets to your parents?...

Yes you can color and cut it out, but you can also; = Use it as a sign on your obstacle course to moves slowly = Decorate it with glitter = Place words around it with the theme of slow moving items. Molasses is thicker than water. You...

If you need to assess some motor planning difficulties (such as you would find with a TBI) try this one. You are using a familiar object so the problem solving and staying on the lines should not be a problem or is it? Mind tickling activities...

Growing scissor skills from snipping to cutting can be a huge step, as well as understanding diagonal lines in space. This activity can help. If you client is left handed, you may have them end at the white triangle. Thanks for being part of this amazing team...

You can also have clients draw children in the foreground or make 100 'X's or 'O's. Share what tools you have created with the team and receive more points! Download PDF for 100th Day of Schoolhouse...

Building greater grasp strength is important for kids as well as the elderly. Here is a list of everyday hand motions that kids should engage in to build adequate strength for their future. Some of these are wonderful for the elderly population as well. If you...

We have made beginning number writing fun! Each number has the same number of different characters. You can even make them into rainbow numbers by doing each number over again with a different colored crayon or maker. Make sure you start at the start point...

Simple Sensory Flower -download pdf Supplies: 1 white paper (8.5x11") 1 Colored paper Scissors 1 pipe cleaner (green) Glue stick Optional items for the center or petals such as; sand, glitter, fuzz balls Suggestions: This activity is easily adapted for groups of kids with a wide range of skills. This project is easily laminated....

Any instrument that such as maracas, triangles, or music tubes can be wonderful for social and emotional skills, as well as upper body conditioning.  This often works well with the unmotivated or pain clients. If you do not have instruments at your facility, you can often...