
We know how important it is to individualize therapy, so here is a template you may like. It is just like Story Board without the pictures, so you can add whatever subject you are working on whether it is pictures or letters or numbers, textures, colors,...

This has been popular so if you like this, look at some of the other pages on Brilliant Therapy that are similar such as Rooster: letter find. Vision and writing skills make this a favorite. Download the PDF for Bubble letter find!...

Here are 7 different activities that you can do that can help build the cognitive skills of your clients. These are often overlooked and critical for IADL success. Sometimes you can give them to a caretaker to do as therapy homework and then have them...

Visual awareness when looking at drop letters and tall letters is always a good skill to have. Kids can write with the unexpected tasks and increase awareness. Check out other writing e-books in our 'Resources' section. You will definitely find something you like! Download PDF for Drop...

There are many ways to do matching activities, from socks to pictures and all of them can be fun, especially if they are a subject of interest. These types of activities are wonderful for visual memory, visual-perceptual skills, turn taking, attention to details and task...

If you like this, you may like the Fine Motor Sensory Stations. Fine Motor Stations have endless possibilities. Remember to keep each element simple without too many steps so that clients will be able to get to each of the tasks. Cutting, folding, searching, rotating, mazes, puzzles,...