25 Jul Love & Categories
A little bit of coloring can go a long way to making speech fun. Check out our e-books in your Resources section. Get a friend to join and earn more points! Download PDF for Love & Categories...
A little bit of coloring can go a long way to making speech fun. Check out our e-books in your Resources section. Get a friend to join and earn more points! Download PDF for Love & Categories...
A sweet way of working on speech skills with intriguing pictures to make it fun. If you have something you have created and want to share, go to Brilliant Therapy facebook page and get credits for helping out the team. Together we can make therapy better...
A colored border helps jumpstart the visual interest in coloring. Quick easy tools at your fingertips can help make pediatric therapy better and easier for therapists allowing them more energy to put into their clients! Now that is what it is all about. Get a...
Just grab some scissors, glue, and another piece of paper to glue your puzzle on to. Kids enjoy picking the colored paper and they will get to see how all the parts can fit together into a snowflake. You are an important part of our team....
Here are 2 patterns to get you started into the wonderful fun of making paper snowflakes! This simple activity builds many skills. Kids often need to do this activity 2 weeks in a row before it starts to make sense and if you are in the...
You can also have clients draw children in the foreground or make 100 'X's or 'O's. Share what tools you have created with the team and receive more points! Download PDF for 100th Day of Schoolhouse...
This activity is excellent for visual scanning and form constancy. If you like this, you will like the I Spy e-book as well. Check it out! To receive more points, encourage someone to join! Download PDF for 100! Number Ball 1 thru 10...
Form Constancy and Visual Scanning skills are important, so here is a quick, fun, colorful way to work on them. OT: If you will like this, you will like our e-books on vision skills such as I Spy. Writing skills can be added, by having kids write...
This tool assists with; letter size awareness, visual planning, fine motor coordination/control and is fun to do. It is wonderful what a happy symbol and a simple pink line can do. Download PDF for Write a word in each heart...
The hand drawn hearts let kids know that they can draw them too. The more we draw, the better we get. Cognitive, social, and writing skills combine to make this a nice tool. Share some of the tools you have created and together we can make...