
This handout will give you some good ideas so that you do not miss out on providing your clients all the information they need to be successful. If you have created some great handouts, share it with the Brilliant Therapy team. We all want to help...

This is a favorite of clients so it might be yours too. There is plenty of blank space for you to write anything specific to your clients and it is artistically done so they keep it in mind. If you have a favorite handout that you have...

If you need a basic refresher as you start working in the acute care setting, this can be helpful. Note: The featured picture is taken 3 days post femoral oscopy, arthroscopy, acetabularoscopy, and labrum tear repair of the left hip. The second picture was taken 30...

This handout should be provided to all of our home health and SNF clientele. Energy smart strategies less likely to be overlooked when it is put down in writing. If you would like to share your own therapy handouts, go to the Brilliant Therapy Facebook page. Download...

We hope that this will help you cover all your bases quickly as you assess visual concerns with your clients. NOTE: OT's are the therapist of choice to bring vision concerns to as they have the most training in the vision area along with a vision...

A quick picture that can help you get some creative energy for decorating a door. Share your door ideas with your BrilliantTherapy Team! Download PDF for Door Decor Idea...