
Have fun with putting things in order. First the words and then the colors of the rainbow. Printer friendly versions are included. Recommend a friend and receive additional points! Download PDF for Leprechaun Happiness...

This simple template can be used in a variety of ways here are some ideas to get you started! -Laminate it and place it on a clip board or inside a folder where kids can check the box when they have completed the tasks written in...

This is definitely a kids favorite! With colorful pictures to add into their sentences, they don't mind writing more. All you need is a pencil, scissors, and a glue stick. Have you created some motivating therapeutic tools? Share them with the Brilliant Therapy team on our facebook...

This pattern can be used with a finger following the pattern or write a letter/number inside each circle and have client use their eyes to move around the figure 8 and call out what is written in each circle. If you are working on deep breathing,...

This is skill builder that helps TBI or developmentally delayed kids with ADL activities such as interpreting a calendar of events or copying information correctly. Therapists may color the smaller design ahead of time and ask client to duplicate what they see. Whatever skills you are working...

This works very well especially when you first talk about what is going on in the picture story. The flag in the window sill is the trickiest object to find. Kids can pick a word to use in a sentence that they generate or adapt it...

You have 2 versions for better therapy. Have fun targeting the skills. Each client is wired differently and deserves the specific tools that help them. If you have adapted or developed some specific tools for specific needs we would love to have you share them with...

You have 4 and 8 Differences sheets to use. As kids get better confidence grows. This helps attention to tasks as well. You may also try doing a 3D task prior to this 2D one. Give kids 4 objects that you have another one of. Have...

Eye and brain training with letters can be fun. With lots of space between letters and an easy break half way thru the task. You can also fold the paper so it looks manageable to the client. Download PDF for Circle and Cross...