
Whether your client suffered a head injury or struggles to visually scan this can be a helpful tool. Just think, if you cannot do this, you most likely struggle to pay a bill. This is also the type of task that can be sent home...

Sometimes cars are the only way to keep the interest going, so here is a visual motor task that can be completed and then colored. If you like this or need more of these types of tools, just let us know. And remember, the more involved...

Learning to draw is another way to improve line awareness, cognitive skills, and visual-motor and visual-perceptual skills. Click here to download the PDF...

A fun way to work on visual perception, visual motor, and other cognitive skills is to complete this drawing. We have included several variations that can be helpful depending on your setting or client skill levels. Click here to download the PDF...

This versatile tool is especially fun to do with kids. Speech: Give every bunny a name or character trait. You can also have kids tell what each bunny likes. Occupational Therapy: You may have kids write a word in each bunny, or color each bunny's clothing. This...