Supplies: Mason Jar, Ribbon or Decorative string, and a flower.
Optional Elements:
**Hand hole punch and a small card or tag with which to write a message if used as a gift.
**Use popsicle sticks and place a small note on the top of each one or characteristic of the person who will receive the gift.
If olfactory defensiveness is an issue, try having client use different flowers and let them smell them. You may want to use a very subtle approach.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day versions:
Flowers or flower pencils can work for moms. Mom’s also have make up pencils they like to organize into jars-just put some glitter and rice(may be colored) in the bottom of the jar to hold them up.
Dad’s may like a shaver or pens in place of a flower. Dad’s also have lots of loose change or business cards they may like to put into jars
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